Drnach Environmental now offering
Sanitary Sewer Overflow Analysis and Planning (SSOAP)

Rainfall-derived Infiltration and Inflow (RDII) into sanitary sewer systems has long been recognized as a major contributor to operating problems for these systems.  Infiltration flows occur when wet weather periods raise the ground water table above its normal level causing ground water to leak into pipe joints and anomalies in sewer pipes, manholes, and other sewer system structures.  Inflow occurs when wet weather (precipitation) flows directly into the sewer system via down spouts, french drains, sump pumps, and area drains illegally tied into sanitary or combined systems.  This above average flow during these periods, especially when the system is already under stress, results in inefficiencies and overloading of collection systems, sewage treatment plants and pump stations.

In an attempt to assist the communities and authorities with the growing problem of RDII flow, The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc. developed a program named the Sanitary Sewer Overflow Analysis and Planning (SSOAP) Toolbox.

Drnach Environmental recognizes both the health and environmental risks that are related to the conditions resulting from RDII flows, and is committed to helping municipal authorities and communities better understand where these areas are located and assist them in establishing priorities for corrective action planning.